Hope Vale

Hope Vale is situated on the Cape York Peninsula and is 46 kilometres northwest of Cooktown. The estimated resident adult population of Hope Vale was 686 people as at 30 June 2017[1],[2].

The community is within the traditional lands of the Guugu Yimithirr people which spans from the Annan River south of Cooktown, north to the Jeannie River and west to Battle Camp.

The Hope Vale population is comprised of 13 clan groups including the Dhuppi, Nukgal, Binthi, Thitharr, Dharrpa, Ngayumbarr-Ngayumbarr, Dingaal, Ngurrumungu, Thaanil, Gamaay, Ngaatha and Burunga Clans.

Hope Vale Congress Aboriginal Corporation is a representative body for the 13 clan groups. The body is comprised of members from each clan deciding on matters relating to land management for their respective clan group areas.

In addition to these clans, the community is made up of the Guugu Yimidhirr speaking peoples, the Yiidhuwarra (traditional owners of Barrow Point, Flinders Island, and the South Annan), the Bagaarrmugu, Muunthiwarra, Juunjuwaara and Muli people plus the Gungarde and Bulgoon people from the south, the Kings Plain’s Thukuun Warra people and the Sunset Yulanji people from the Maytown area. The most common Indigenous language spoken in Hope Vale is Guugu Yimithirr.

If you are planning a community visit then our Hope Vale Community Engagement Guidelines which can be located under Policies and Guidelines might be helpful.


  1. Australian Statistical Geography Standard 2016 boundaries used are local government areas for Aurukun, Doomadgee and Hope Vale, and statistical areas level 1 (SA1s) of 3139616 for Coen and 3116408 for Mossman Gorge.
  2. Adults 18 years and over provided by the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO), Queensland Treasury, based on the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) unpublished preliminary Estimated Resident Population (ERP) data by age and sex at the Local Government Area level for 30 June 2017.

Hope Vale Commissioners

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