Accessing Information

Information regarding the Commission’s services and business operations is provided in our corporate documents and publications on the home page, and also through our publication scheme. Our publication scheme provides information about the Commission, our services, finances, priorities, decisions, policies and registers.

Personal information held by the Commission is outlined in the Commission’s Privacy Policy. A copy of this policy may be viewed online via the Policies and Guidelines link on our home page. The policy details the steps the Commission will take to address its obligations under the IP Act.

To access information of a non-personal nature that is not contained in the Commission’s public documents and webpage, a formal application under the RTI Act can be made. To access information of a personal nature not available in public documents or our web page, a formal application under the IP Act can be made. It is recommended that contact be made with the Commission prior to making a formal application as you may not need to make a formal application to access the information sought.

Applications for access must be submitted in the approved form, give sufficient information concerning the document to enable the Commission to identify the document and include a return address for notification as to whether the information can be provided under the relevant Act. If you wish to apply on-line for either public or personal information, you may use the Queensland Government’s online application form. Alternatively, you may contact the Commission directly to obtain the above application form.

  • An application fee applies to access information under the RTI Act, or to access information which is a combination of personal and non-personal information. Additional processing and access charges may apply. A processing charge is a charge in relation to searching for or retrieving a document and making or doing things necessary to inform a decision in regard to the application. Access charges are charges prescribed under a regulation in relation to the giving of access to the document.

To access information which is strictly of a personal nature under the IP Act, no application fee or processing charges apply, however, access charges may be payable.

Open Data

On 9 October 2012 the Queensland Premier announced an “open data revolution”, committing to providing the public with data from across all sections of government. This data is to be provided on the basis that it can be republished without copyright restrictions or patents and utilised for the benefit of all Queenslanders. The Queensland Government’s aim of providing government data is to encourage the innovative use of government data for practical applications, and for the benefit of society generally. The Commission publishes datasets on the Open Data Portal.


Last reviewed June 2022

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